Stripped Down
Uncover Your Authentic Blueprint
to lead a more intentional life daily
A 2 hour interactive experience with Jacqueline Foster & Lo Masters
Waitlist Open
Become empowered by your ability to hold what is sacred close and
find ease in letting go of what no longer serves you.
How do you define yourself?
Who you truly are, without labels picked up along the way by friends, family, society, or even yourself, could you describe who you are?
For many of us, who we are is based on how others perceive us & who we are to others⏤ Gender, body image, race, mom, partner, sister, friend, and job title.
Both consciously and subconsciously, we’ve been given these labels which make up our identity throughout our lives.
Stripped Down is designed to explore beyond our labels, search deep within and seek what truly makes us who we are at our core.
Not only to discover who you are ⏤ but how to align who you are with the life you desire.
So, where to even begin?
By meeting where we are now⏤ and acknowledging our current truth, we can then be honest about where we are and where we desire to be and begin to bridge the gap authentically. We become empowered by our ability to hold close to what is sacred and find ease in letting go of what no longer serves us.
By the end of this 2-hour masterclass, you will be able to:
✔️envision your future self and life, what is working right now to get you to that place & get radically honest about what is out of alignment in your life that won't support you in getting there
✔️ clearly define your values and how to align with them
✔️recognize the beliefs that are holding you back and feel confident in creating and reinforcing new, more empowering ones
✔️have the tools to maintain these personal shifts for lasting transformation
How will this program help me?
✔️ clarity on your values, beliefs, boundaries, and whether a significant change or little shift will set you up for success.
✔️ body tells us first when something is off - help tap in/recognize and use a compass
✔️ everlasting material that you can use in any season of your life, making new pieces from the workbook, exercises, and tools
How is this different from any other online workshop?
✔️this is life; it's not a recording; we want it to be interactive for you to get the most out of us in that 2 hours
✔️giving you a blueprint of how to gain clarity and map things out for yourself - so much noise and distractions and ways people do this, but this is super comprehensive - easy to tackle, not overwhelming.
What will you come out of this training having that you didn’t go in there with?
✔️envision your future self and life, what is working right now to get you to that place & get radically honest about what is out of alignment in your life that won't support you in getting there
✔️ clearly define your values and how to align with them
✔️recognize the beliefs that are holding you back and feel confident in creating and reinforcing new, more empowering ones
✔️have the tools to maintain these personal shifts for lasting transformation
Stripped Down is for anyone at any level of their transformation⏤ , whether these are all known (maybe slightly scary) concepts or you're looking to refine your alignment to live a more intentional life.
Remember, this is YOUR life - so choose to live one that lights you up every day.
Meet The Coaches